Bethany is an actor, director, and educator born and raised in southern California but has made both her artistic and family home in beautiful Chicagoland. She holds an MFA in acting from Northern Illinois University and a BFA in acting from California State University, Fullerton.
Currently, Bethany is an Instructor of Voice & Movement at Northern Illinois University. Bethany teaches the major principles of Fitzmaurice Voicework (including elements of energy work, yoga, and shiatsu) in hopes of supporting each artist’s unique individual instrument and tuning it to full authenticity in a healthy, clear, and vibrant way. Some other practices include: The Lucid Body, Michael Chekhov Technique, Alexander Technique, Laban Efforts, Yoga for Actors, Linklater Voicework, Knight Thompson Speechwork, the works of Edith Skinner, Period Styles, and dialects.
As an actor, Bethany is the Co-Founder and Artistic Director of MUSE Theatre Collective in Chicago and has studied at the Moscow Art Theater and performed abroad at the Adana International Theatre Festival in Turkey. Some Chicagoland theatre credits include productions with The Organic Theater Company, Along the Way Productions, MUSE Theatre Collective, and Kane Repertory Theatre.